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I enjoyed playing the game a lot. I'm a bit late to the party but that's okay! It was a fun experience especially got scared on the jumpscares so that's nice touch! I also like the actually making you experience anxiety, hence the title of the game.

Here's my playthrough!

I like how it directs you what to do but not tell you exactly and it is good at giving you the creepy vibe with all the noises and this game is one of the horror games that have scared me i would rate 10 screams out of 2 demons.

For the French if it interests :)

Very good game. I was playing it years ago. but this time i culdnt get good ending.

Nice horror/escape game with some interesting mechanics. My only complaint is that the controls are a bit touchy; at times, you have to be in just the right place to interact. A short but fun game.

Game was really fun and spooky to play!
Some of the noises spooked me lol.
Can't wait to try other games you guys have created :D
Keep up the great work!

Had a really good time playing this! Thanks for the awesome game! Here's my "let's play" of it.

That was awesome! It took my a while to finish it but the atmosphere, scares, plot and graphics were really great! Here's my playthrough (Polish language) Cheers!

I enjoyed this game and some of the jump scares seem to tie in nicely. I hope you make more games like this.

Here's my channel for other games I have played.

my anxiety lost nights walk through had me on the edge of my seat, with all the jump scares strangely built puzzles and that spooky looking monster. That came out of nowhere... but i really enjoyed playing this horror game was insane!

Welp, you got me. I was thoroughly on edge. Hope you enjoy my video! really curious if my theory on what happened in the game was accurate :)

i enjoyed this very throuly,pardon my bad spelling,it was scary to me but after the first jumpscare i got so focused on the story of what the hell happened still highly suggest and really liked the art


I'm sorry but even though I see that it must have been quite some work to make this, it is one of the most pointless games I've ever played - and I tried many pre-alpha, empty indie titles! The whole idea is good, the work is nice on it, the environment is great, and the atmosphere too. However the cheap jumpscare, the lack of any proper logic and the fact that basically you have no idea about the background story too is ruining it. At least for me. I saw there are mainly positive reviews below but I think that is just not right.

Still, thanks.

I was wondering, what is the small tune that is played after you get caught and moved to the game over screen? It would be lovey to know the name of it. ^^

Was a pretty fun game! It took a few tries to figure out the hang of things. It was creepy with all the noises around. Almost felt like someone was right beside me the whole time I was playing. Here's my first ever playthrough!

I had a lot of fun playing this game it's a really well made game and the puzzle took a couple of trys for me to crack but I got there in the end.

Here's my playthrough: 

Great game! Unfortunately I wasn't able to finish it.. after editing I realized the error of my ways, so I look forward to going back and revisiting it soon. Regardless, it was masterfully done and the atmosphere was just sublime. Check it out!

This is a such a great game, the atmosphere is perfect.

super fun!

ANYONE knows how to change resolution ?

Fun game. Looking forward to what's next.

thanks for the game, had a ton of fun! 

Played through the game twice, got the same ending. Really well done indie horror game. Especially for being made in a jam. 8/10 would try for alternate ending again.

I tried to lighten up game play a bit but you know what, the darkness adds to the fear that whatever is outside is going to get in if I'm not fast enough in fixing the vehicle. I got a spook on one scene that sent my heart racing which is rare, very nice game! Oh and the atmospheric sounds made it much worse (which by that I mean good).

This was a pretty fun little game.  I didn't get the what was going on until the last few minutes of the game.  Keep up the good work!
(1 edit)

I played this game and definitely did not cheat.

A really good game with an interesting style.

We enjoyed it a lot.

Here is a short video we made while playing.

Keep up the good work !

Super cool game! GAve me some good ole fashioned sPOOKS

(1 edit)

I really love the game :) i hope its a little bit longer since it really hit me at some point

anyhow i really like to try ur up coming games so just shoot me a dm

Imagine a heart attack + a ship in a bottle and you've got Anxiety: Lost Night.

Brilliant game, really blew me aware with how sophisticated the game feels and of course the scare the factor hits 100!

great job in this game!!!  I liked, fantastic!

please tell me you got more! i need to know all the lore of this xD
really liked it, even  found a way to NOT be eaten by a demon, haha

Really well made.  The art is fantastic and the atmosphere really keeps you on edge.

great stuff.

love the anticipated face of impending doom you put out haha i would too.   "I forgot how to hands!"  XD   I find this game interesting & have seen a few videos between now and couple years ago or so, & almost nobody pointed out the bloody screw driver or shirt which makes me wonder how the boy died lol that seems like an awful thing to keep in the car !!  BTW the medicine is Klonopin   lol i have extreme general & social anxiety. there is NO way i could handle this situation in real life much less be focused enough to follow directions & the last thing i would want to try is shutting off electrical yet at same time i would def want to attempt to gtfo of that situation lol it's pretty much a mental nightmare this game.   great video & great intro

Yeah, i'm assuming she killed someones (or her) child. I'm just not sure if she has anxiety and the guilt is affecting her or if the trauma of killing someone is giving her anxiety.

I loved this game you 100% need to try this super scary !!

I love the style this game has! Everything looks so clean! The jumscares and ambiance were on point! I wish there was a bit more back story within the game. And honestly I wish it was longer! Check out my video if you want :) 

part 2 and this time I actually "win" if you call this winning!

this game is scaried

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